Today is Earth Day! Its a day to love, celebrate and cherish our beloved home and our gorgeous planet. Here are some ideas for you to give Mama Earth a little break:
1. Bike it! Leave your cars aside for a day, travel the city on two wheels. You'll not only save $$ on gas, use less fossil fuels, but also have a workout! Who knew being environmentally conscious could be so awesome?! 2. Turn off 'em lights! Live out your day caveman style! No but seriously, during the day, there's plenty of daylight. Open the blinds and let the sun in. Turning off your lights for 4-5 hours today could be a small step towards starting a green life. 3. Plant a tree! Whether you plant a tree, bring home a plant or some herbs, either way, you will be reversing your carbon footstep. Take initiative and responsibility for a green life and maybe you'll find you if you have green fingers! 4. Pick up some trash! I go for runs often and see trash laying around. Mother Earth sure won't be happy about that. Today I will pick up whatever trash I see laying around! 5. Donate some dolla bills! This may sound a bit shady, but there's tons of organizations out there waiting for donations, so they can do the good on your behalf. Need an idea? Go check out National Geographic's CauseAnUproar: Big Cats Initiative. When in worry, turn to NatGeo. They are one of my favorite Organizations, magazine and an awesome group of people. Loosen up your wallets people!! 6. Veggie Day!! So Since I do this everyday, am I celebrating Earth Day daily? :-) Jokes aside, eat some greens today yo! Meats are carbon heavy and reducing your meat intake can significantly reduce your carbon footprint (Don't believe me? Read more here). Do right by Earth today and go vegetarian! There are tons of ways you can be green-er today. Although, being sustainable, like being healthy, is a lifestyle choice. By buying sustainable foods, recycling, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, we can all make choices that reduce our negative impact on the environment. Want to know how the climate chance can affect you? Read this awesome CNN article, or this NatGeo article. If you're a skier like me, or want to keep those glaciers around a while longer, go GREEN! Woohoo! Happy Earth Day!!!
It snowed powder yesterday in the Tetons. In April. In the middle of the day...
Gahhhh yesterday was so epic and I can't believe I got in one last epic ski day before the season ended. Jackson Hole closed down April 4th but Targhee is still open. I missed skiing the entire month of March and was totally bummed that my skis will have to be decorative for the next 7 months. But mother nature delivered one last time. And we were ready to scoop in the goods! Targhee is about 45 mins drive from Jackson, WY. We got to Targhee around noon and bought have day passes at $58. That's pretty expensive if you have a season's pass at Jackson Hole. In any case, it was worth every penny. It had snowed so much that there was powder under the one chair lift that was operating. Knee deep powder in some sections near the trees. And the best part was that there was NO PEOPLE! If this was a powder day in Jackson, there would be no signs of any powder at noon. So Targhee gets +1 in my opinion. We spent the 3 hours skiing around the main chair and getting into some fun deep stuff. I had a total blast and I am seriously considering getting a season's pass to Targhee along with Jackson! Ski bum alert!! Anyway, if you have a choice for where to go on a weekday powder day, I would recommend Grand Targhee Resort, for short lift lines, insanely awesome backcountry terrain and some awesome untracked pow! I am totally in love with this Nike motivational video! Recently, I took on the challenge to encourage my mom to exercise. I have realized that the activation energy needed for someone to get their butt going directly scales with their age (see the engineer in me??). So my mom is VERY skeptical about this whole new treadmill thing... but, she's trying! When I began yoga and started going to the gym in college regularly, I was totally the most awkward. I felt like a kitten using lighter weights in the weight room where burly guys were busy with bench presses. And yoga? Jeez, I was so beyond awful at not slipping on my mat from all the sweat. Bet guys loved seeing that... But seriously, this video is awesome! It speaks oodles about that first few awkward days, that quickly pass to you a fitter you! Enjoy :) I am finally back from travel! And its so awesome to be back to my beloved Jackson! Now its time to hit the gym regularly and kick off the spring with a spring in the step!
Monday workout: Run 3 miles outdoors 65 lbs backsquat 10 reps X 5 Kettle bell swings 20 reps X 5 Toes to Bars 7 reps X 3 General Ab exercises 10 mins on Stairmaster with weights on ankles Tuesday workout: Run 3 miles Ab exercises Donkey kicks 15 X 2 Air squats 25 X 4 I am defending my Ph.D. in less than a week! So my workouts will be quick and focused. But its very important to exercise and loose the stress! |
MahimaNuclear Engineer, Product and Strategy expert, Vegetarian, Adventurer. Categories
December 2019