Last night's workout was very challenging and I am really glad I got through it!
Here's the synoposis Strength Back squat at 50% of maximum: 5 reps every 6 mins for 6 mins on the minute (This is called EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute) WOD Row 500m 10 Thrusters 10 Box Jumps over 10 Thrusters 10 T2B Rest 8 mins 20 Burpees 20 Burpee Box Jumps 20 Burpee Pull Ups 20 Wall Burpees Needless to say, I was exhausted and my legs were jelly at the end. I paced myself really well so I kept going without taking very long breaks. After the first set of WOD, my hands were cramping in the closed position because all the exercises involved gripping something tightly (rower, bar, etc). I ended up taking a 10 min break to run water over my hand so it stopped cramping and then finished the second part of the WOD.
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Friday Crossfit workout was fun, yet hard. I was definitely huffing and puffing by the end of it! The strength was to build to a heavy overhead squat but I decided instead to do 5 sets of 10 overhead squats (a total of 50) at a low weight for the purpose of toning and improving my technique. Above is the overview of the WOD and me doing the strength part of the workout: overhead squat The WOD was hard but really good fun and it was super quick. It took me 10 mins 27 sec to finish the WOD with a combination of double unders and single skips. Next up was back extensions. This was my first time doing back extensions in a workout so I tried to do a few before the actual WOD. Following back extensions, there were 20 toes to bar, which is probably my biggest strengths at the crossfit workouts. I always kip to do T2B and can do 10-12 before taking a break, so I can get through them relatively quick. Another first timer was sumo deadlift. I had to do 10 of these and I went for 25 lbs bar rather than the RX of 34. If I had to do another set of the sumo deadlifts, I could probably go up to 30 lbs. This was a really great workout but I felt like I could do another WOD at the end of it. I suppose that's a sign that I need to up the weights!
Sunday CrossFit workout was short but hard. I love endurance type workouts that involve several repetitions because I have strong heart. This workout was all about endurance and pacing. I have been doing crossfit workouts by myself in the box thats in my gym. This saves a bunch of money that I would usually pay for my monthly memberships and I can go whenever I am done with work. So, here's the workout: Strength: 5 Reps of 3 backsquats with roughly 80% weight. WOD 10 min AMRAP: 60 Wallballs 30 Deadlifts 15 pullups I haven't done back squats in a while so I just did 70lbs. My usual 80% is roughly 82 lbs. For deadlift, I was way below RX and did 70lbs deadlift. 30 deadlifts is a lot!! For the AMRAP, I ended up doing one round plus 60 more wallballs. My quads are killing me today!! Here's me doing wall balls, deadlifts and super action shot of my kipping pull ups!
MahimaNuclear Engineer, Product and Strategy expert, Vegetarian, Adventurer. Categories
December 2019