Ever since being an adult (after college) and living in a house, I have been slowly but surely learning how to handle trick or treaters. Trust me, it comes with time. This is my second halloween and I have learnt a few no nos that left me shaking. 1. Not all kids like dogs... and not all kids like YOUR dog. Oops! Got a few tears here and there but got it under control eventually. 2. Kids are allergic to nuts - plan for it! 3. Mow your lawn and put up at least a pumpkin outside. Parents don't wants their kids to wander into a house that is not well maintained. 4. Have more candy! I ran out of candy and a few little girls didn't take the "sorry, I am out of candy" too well. 5. Do NOT give children candy made in house. Packaged candy is assurance to parents that you aren't going to drug their child. Definitely learnt that the hard way too. Anyway, the reason I am writing about my Trick or Treat experience is because I have been reading and learning about the bad effects of candy and sugar on children and its not a pretty picture. Child obesity is at an all time high and obesity in itself is considered to be a form of malnutrition!! Can you imagine?! When I hear the term malnutrition I think of hunger. I didn't want to be responsible for kids having sugar from me on Halloween and be a part of the already growing problem. Therefore, I decided to not give out candy but instead give out trail mix! Kids and their parents loved it! I got lots of "Thank yous" and "High Fives"! And I totally ran out of it because SO many kids came around. Here's what I gave out to the kids: You can find this trail mix on Amazon.com here: http://www.amazon.com/Planters-Trail-Fruit-2-Ounce-Bags/dp/B001651282/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1414807855&sr=8-8&keywords=nuts+mini+bags
They were certainly expensive, but well worth my peace of mind. I can go to sleep now knowing that I didn't hand out harmful candy and unnecessary sugar to the kids. :-) Happy Halloween!!
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MahimaNuclear Engineer, Product and Strategy expert, Vegetarian, Adventurer. Categories
December 2019